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The Quiet Struggle to See Yourself Clearly
Hello, my beautiful sisters.
Have you ever found yourself downplaying the very gifts inside of you?
You can spot brilliance in others from a mile away—but when it’s time to name your own God-given strengths, you draw a blank or whisper something so small, you almost apologize for saying it out loud.
Today, we’re going to change that. Because sis, God didn’t hide your strengths from you. He wove them into your story, your spirit, and your struggles.
Let’s uncover them together.
When You Were Taught to Shrink
I know what it feels like to question your own value.
Some of us were raised in homes, churches, or workplaces where our strengths were overlooked—or even criticized. Maybe you were called “bossy” when you were actually a natural-born leader.
Or you were told you were “too sensitive” when in reality, God gave you the gift of compassion.
Somewhere along the way, you learned that playing small felt safer than standing tall.
But I need you to hear me: You were never meant to shrink to fit anyone’s comfort zone.
You were created to shine—fully, boldly, and beautifully.
You’ve Been Showing Strength All Along
Recognizing your God-given strengths isn’t about inventing something new. It’s about seeing the power that’s already there—the power you’ve been using, even when you didn’t realize it.
- When you comfort a friend with the perfect words, that’s a strength.
- When you organize chaos into order, that’s a strength.
- When you turn setbacks into comebacks, that’s a strength.
Strength isn’t always loud.
Sometimes it looks like showing up when you feel invisible.
Sometimes it’s the quiet courage to keep going when quitting feels easier.
Your Strengths Are Custom-Made for Your Calling
Sis, God never gave you someone else’s calling, so why would He give you someone else’s strengths?
Your strengths are tailor-made for your journey, your assignments, and your purpose. Even on your weakest day, you are still equipped.
You are:
✅ Stronger than your circumstances.
✅ Wiser than your mistakes.
✅ More creative than you give yourself credit for.
✅ And worthy—simply because God said so.
You don’t have to perform for your strengths. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone.
Your strengths belong to you—because God put them there.
Practical Steps to Start Recognizing Your Strengths Today
If you’ve been struggling to see your strengths clearly, here are five practical steps to help you start:
1. Track Your Wins (Even the Small Ones)
Each night, write down one thing you did well that day—even if it was something simple like calming yourself down after a tough moment, solving a problem at work, or encouraging someone else.
2. Ask People You Trust
Sometimes, the people who love us can see our strengths more clearly than we can. Ask three people you trust to tell you one strength they see in you. Write down what they say.
3. Look at Your Past Challenges
What hard situations have you survived? What strengths did you lean on to get through? (Maybe you used creativity to solve a financial crisis, or resilience to get back up after heartbreak.)
4. Pay Attention to What Comes Easy
Strengths often show up in the places we don’t think twice about. What do people always come to you for? What do you do so naturally you almost forget it’s a gift?
5. Pray for God to Reveal Them
Spend intentional time asking God to show you what He sees when He looks at you. Write down what you feel in your spirit during your quiet time.
Uplifting Call to Action: See Your True Self
Today, sis, I want you to take out your journal and start your Strength List. Write down at least five strengths you know you have—and don’t you dare downplay them.
Pray over that list.Ask God to show you how to use those strengths for His glory and your purpose.
Because you, my beautiful sister, are a masterpiece.
And it’s time for you to see what God already knows: You are stronger than you’ve ever imagined.