Today, we’re diving into something fun, fresh, and impactful—dopamine dressing. Yes, fashion can actually help you hit your goals. Sounds surprising, right? But stick with me, because this isn’t just about clothes; it’s about the energy, confidence, and joy you carry into your day. Let’s get into it.
Why You Should Be Using Micro-Goals
Let’s take a moment to breathe together. Inhale... and exhale. Now, I want you to close your eyes for a second and picture the dreams that live in your heart. Think about the goals you’ve been holding onto, the ones that light you up inside but sometimes feel out of…
Five Ugly Truths About Goals
Black Girl Heal is a reader-supported site. When you visit or purchase through links on the site, we may receive a commission. Hello, my beautiful sisters! Let’s talk about goals. I know you’ve been there—setting that shiny, exciting dream that fills your heart with joy and your mind with endless possibilities.…
How to Say No to Things That Don’t Support Your Goals
Let’s talk about one of the hardest yet most powerful words in our vocabulary: No. Sometimes, it feels easier to say yes—to avoid disappointing others, to feel included, or to avoid confrontation. But, my sisters, every time you say yes to something that doesn’t align with your goals, you’re saying…
How to Stay Focused on Your Goals on the Weekends
Let’s talk about the weekends. For so many of us, the weekends are supposed to be our time to unwind, rest, and recharge. But how often do we end up feeling like they slipped through our fingers? We promise ourselves that this weekend will be different, that we’ll use it…
5 Signs You’re Just Making Excuses for Why You Haven’t Done Something
Today, let’s talk about something we all do at some point: making excuses. We dream big, set goals, and tell ourselves we’re going to get started… but then, life gets in the way. Or does it? Are the things holding us back real obstacles, or are they excuses we’ve created…
How to Stop Waiting for Acceptance and Start Working on Your Goals
Let’s talk about something that holds so many of us back—waiting for acceptance. Whether it’s waiting for approval from friends, family, coworkers, or even society, we often let others’ opinions determine our choices and delay our progress. Sis, it’s time to stop waiting for permission and start working on your…
Wondering Where Time Went? Here’s How to Find Time to Work Toward Your Goals
Let me ask you something: have you ever reached the end of the day and thought, “Where did all my time go?” You had big plans to make progress toward your goals, but somehow, the hours slipped away. Sis, you’re not alone. Time is one of our most valuable resources,…
Stop Trying to Find Your Purpose, Create It
Today’s conversation is all about purpose—not finding it, but creating it. Many of us spend years chasing this elusive idea of “purpose,” only to feel frustrated and stuck. But here’s a truth I want you to hold onto: your purpose isn’t something you find; it’s something you build, step by…
How to Use AI and ChatGPT to Map a Plan for Your 2025 Goals
As we step into 2025, many of us are laser-focused on our goals—whether it’s starting a new business, finding work-life balance, or simply thriving in a way we’ve always dreamed of. But here’s a game-changing secret: AI, especially tools like ChatGPT, can help you map out your goals, create actionable…